Inspirations 4,d.dmg&psig=AFQjCNHRibhDQOKEea1ZkqUZbzjDEFUtEQ&ust=1379464738838364

You want me to wear the dying wishes and dreams of little kids with big hopes?
No, wear the dress of wishes and dreams that haven't come true yet. If a wish is made on a star, the star doesn't go out till the dream or wish comes true. It may get dim from lack of faith, but doesn't stop burning.

I wanted to take the mask off, but that would mean taking a chance I didn't want to take.

Then I slowly removed my mask as a tear rolled down my face.

With the masks everyone seemed equal and practical, but no one knew I was different- that I wasn't like them.

I couldn't help but wonder what they would think if they knew who I really was.

The mask has become more than just a mask- it became my being.

Then as I turned to leave, he grabbed my wrist and uttered the worst words I would ever hear come from his lips: "I know there's something different about you- and if it's a secret it won't be one for long."

masquerade party

In the light, a shadow is cast
upon our faces, an unseen mask.
In the light of day, our identities are hidden
By burdens about what could happen

phantom of the opera

Dianna Agron

It was strange and like nothing that I had ever seen, but I think that's what made it beautiful- its uniqueness.

Then in my hand, I held the world's most dangerous object. A key. A key, that if used right, would open a door that would either save the
world, or end it.

Rachael Leahcar

Model takes a breath from air tank while Israeli photographer Johannes Felten, (l), takes images during an underwater photo shoot in the Red Sea.

Autumn Miller, 15, is the winner of the Miss Teen Henderson County Saturday afternoon, July 7, 2012.,+wolves&rlz=1C1AFAB_enUS474US474&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=NK69Ure_JYqd2gX6y4GIDQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=666#facrc=_&imgdii=_&

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